Drop the nicotine for better health – October 23
Many people want help to stop smoking, but can’t seem to find the right occasion. How about making a try on “Sluttedagen” on October 23?
If you need inspiration to stop smoking a great tip is to download the free app “Slutta” (in Norwegian only). If you want help from a health professional please contact your local Aker Care center (Phone 40 00 48 50)
Read more about smoking cessation on slutta.no
When you stop smoking you will experience great health benefits, after:
• 20 min: The pulse goes down
• 8 hours: Blood circulation is improved
• 48 hours: Taste and sense of smell are improved
• 72 hours: Lung capacity increases and you are nicotine free
• 2-12 weeks: It becomes easier to be physically active
• 1-9 months: The flicker hairs in the throat improves, it is easier to stay health (avoid sickness)
• 3-9 months: Less coughing and easier to breathe
• 1 year: Immune system strengthened
• 10 years: Risk of developing diseases such as lung cancer is halved. The risk of developing other cancers is also significantly reduced.