Back@work – Return to a New Normal
Sign-up for webinar!
The corona pandemic became a large part of our everyday lives both in 2020 and 2021. Individuals, companies and societies were exposed to a lot of stress and insecurity in numerous ways. Many companies had to introduce the home office concept without the possibility of being able to plan for this huge alteration. Most companies are now starting to reopen their offices and we will gradually return to our workplace during the fall.
A structured plan and good routines for the re-establishment of the office as a workplace are important when a large group of people are returning at the same time. We can call this process re-boarding. We all have different needs in such a process. An inclusive and safe approach to the reboarding process, will ensure engagement and possibly improved performance. It is important that managers provides continuous information to their employees about the process, restore loyalty to the company, clarify expectations of presence in the workplace versus home office, allow for a transition period and recognize that the ordinary work day will not necessarily be the same as before.
How can your workplace succeed with this process and how can you as an employee contribute?
Sign-up for the webinar with our psychologist Jan-Martin Berge. Topic is “Reboarding – returning to a new normal”
- September 27 at 10:00-10:30 Norwegian
- September 27 at 12:00-12:30 English
Click here to sign-up for the webinar.
Note: the webinar will be available in recording on from September 29.