Coronavirus – guidelines for visiting Aker Care
If you have been in areas with presumed ongoing transmission and/or you have been in close contact* with a confirmed case you shall NOT visit the Aker Care clinic, but contact us by phone and we can define what kind of support and consulting Aker Care can give you.
Areas with presumed ongoing transmission as per March 12, 2020:
Hubei province in China, Iran, South Korea, Italy and Austria. Go to Norwegian Institute of Public Health for updated information on areas with widespread transmission.
To avoid spreading the virus is it important that you NOT visit the clinic.
If you have been in a country with ongoing Corona outbreak the last 14 days or you are defined as a close contact AND experience one or more of the following symptoms you must contact local medical emergency service by phone 116 117 or your general practitioner and inform about your recent travelling history and symptoms which may include:
- Cough
- Fever
- Breathing difficulties
If you have questions, please contact Aker Care by phone 40 00 48 50
*Definition of a close contact (high risk exposure)
A distinction is made between “close contacts” who have been exposed to infection and “low risk contacts” who may have been exposed.
“Close contacts” means people who have been in close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease from 24 hours before symptom debut. One is considered to be a close contact for 14 days from and including the last contact with the confirmed case.
Close contact means:
- have lived in the same household as a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease
- have been in direct physical contact (e.g. shaken hands) with someone with confirmed COVID-19 disease
- have been in direct contact with saliva (e.g. been coughed upon) from someone with confirmed COVID-19 disease
- have been in close contact with, or been near (closer than 2 metres), face to face with a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease for more than 15 minutes
- have been in an enclosed space (e.g. a classroom, meeting room, waiting room etc.) with a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease for more than 15 minutes and closer than 2 metres
- have nursed / treated a patient, handled sample material from, or otherwise had close physical contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease, without having used the recommended protective equipment
- have sat near (within two seat rows in all directions) a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease on a plane, or near other close contacts on a plane
- have been in the same travel group as a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease.