Addiction – Help & Support

Akan is the workplace advisory center for issues relating to alcohol, drugs and addictive gambling in Norway. The number of inquiries to Akan from concerned employers and colleagues increased by 20 per cent in the period from March 13 to September 30. The number of inquiries directly from people who struggles with substance abuse or other dependency problems increased by 42 per cent in the same time period.

In light of these statistics Aker Care would like to raise awareness about addictions. Below you will find a short video with Aker Care psychologist Jan-Martin Berge where he presents some facts about addiction and where he encourages us to care about each other.

This video can also be used as an HSSE moment in department or project meetings. By talking openly about addictions we can help break down the stigma, and contribute to prevent and handle substance abuse and other addictions at an earlier stage.


Are you worried about a colleague who you think might be struggling with an addiction, or are you struggling yourself? Please contact:

  • Aker Care: 40 00 48 50
  • Akan: 22 40 28 00

Read more about Akan on their webpage